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PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1  This adrenal pheochromocytoma was ...
Published: 01 December 2024
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1 Figure 10-7 PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1 This adrenal pheochromocytoma was identified at the time of surgery for a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in a patient with a history of multi-glandular parathyroid disease. While the tumor has no specific... More about this image found in PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1 This adrenal pheochromocytoma was ...
Published: 01 December 2024
ADENOCARCINOMA OF BREAST METASTATIC TO ADRENAL GLAND Figure 12-24 ADENOCARCINOMA OF BREAST METASTATIC TO ADRENAL GLAND A: The pattern of growth shows a well-developed glandular arrangement of tumor cells. B: Metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma has a sinusoidal pattern, with growth as... More about this image found in ADENOCARCINOMA OF BREAST METASTATIC TO ADRENAL GLAND A: The pattern of gro...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 21
Published: 01 December 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-47-4
ISBN: 978-1-933477-47-3
... IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1 Figure 10-7 PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A PATIENT WITH MEN1 This adrenal pheochromocytoma was identified at the time of surgery for a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in a patient with a history of multi-glandular parathyroid disease. While the tumor has no specific morphologic features...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 21
Published: 01 December 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-47-4
ISBN: 978-1-933477-47-3
... glandular arrangement of tumor cells. B: Metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma has a sinusoidal pattern, with growth as loose plugs of tumor within delicate vascular spaces. ADENOCARCINOMA METASTATIC TO ADRENAL GLAND Figure 12-25 ADENOCARCINOMA METASTATIC TO ADRENAL GLAND A: Core needle biopsy...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 21
Published: 01 December 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-47-4
ISBN: 978-1-933477-47-3
... with solid growth lacking morphologic signs of differentiation (i.e., glandular or squamous features). Melan-A is positive in melanoma and may be positive in some renal cell carcinomas (Xp11/TFE3-rearranged renal cell carcinoma) ( 206 ). Another renal cell carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma marker, CD10...
ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS)  A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervica...
Published: 01 September 2024
ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) Figure 9-38 ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervical glands with AIS predominantly on the right. B: Glands with AIS in the lower half show depleted mucin, several mitoses, and apoptosis. C: P16 is positive in glands with AIS and is... More about this image found in ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervica...
ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS)  A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervica...
Published: 01 September 2024
ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) Figure 9-38 ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervical glands with AIS predominantly on the right. B: Glands with AIS in the lower half show depleted mucin, several mitoses, and apoptosis. C: P16 is positive in glands with AIS and is... More about this image found in ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU (AIS) A: Biopsy fragment shows numerous endocervica...
INFLUENZA VIRUS IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY  The positivity in the superficial bro...
Published: 01 September 2024
INFLUENZA VIRUS IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Figure 4-4 INFLUENZA VIRUS IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY The positivity in the superficial bronchial (A) and underlying glandular (B) epithelia confirms the presence of influenza virus. More about this image found in INFLUENZA VIRUS IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY The positivity in the superficial bro...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 20
Published: 01 September 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-43-1
ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5
... proportion of glandular cancers, including adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma, is due to HPV18 than is squamous cell carcinoma (approximately 32 percent versus 8 percent, respectively) ( 42 ). HPV16 and 18 also cause the majority of squamous cell carcinomas in other lower anogenital tract sites...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 20
Published: 01 September 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-43-1
ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5
... Clinical Presentation Ulceroglandular Skin Inoculation site shows a cutaneous papule that transforms into an ulcer, associated with draining site painful lymphadenopathy Approximately 90% of cases Glandular Unrecognized (may be an insect bite or small cut) Localized painful lymphadenopathy...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 20
Published: 01 September 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-43-1
ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5
... proteins (LMP). The same individual can harbor more than one strain of EBV. Infectious mononucleosis was initially described in 1889 under the term “glandular fever” and the association with atypical mononuclear cells was documented in 1920. The infection is also known as “kissing disease” due to its...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 20
Published: 01 September 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-43-1
ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5
... particles are present in surface (especially ciliated) and glandular epithelia of the trachea and larger bronchi ( fig. 4-4 ). The virus is rarely observed in cells in the alveolar spaces. Myocarditis (characterized by focal myocardial accumulations of lymphocytes with associated myocyte necrosis...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 20
Published: 01 September 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-43-1
ISBN: 978-1-933477-43-5
... results in nonspecific degenerative changes, especially focal epithelial apoptosis and nuclear enlargement (without obvious cytomegaly). In immunocompromised patients, adenovirus infection can affect any part of the gut lined by glandular epithelium. Characteristic round to crescentic and widely spaced...
DUCTAL ADENOMA  A: At low power, a well-circumscribed <span class="search-highlight">glandular</span> proliferati...
Published: 01 January 2024
DUCTAL ADENOMA Figure 7-37 DUCTAL ADENOMA A: At low power, a well-circumscribed glandular proliferation, with a dense fibrous capsule is appreciated. B: At higher power, glands and nests of epithelial cells, some with apocrine differentiation, are seen. C: This image illustrates the interface w... More about this image found in DUCTAL ADENOMA A: At low power, a well-circumscribed glandular proliferati...
MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN <span class="search-highlight">GLANDULAR</span> INCLUSION  A: This high-power image shows a b...
Published: 01 January 2024
MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION Figure 14-14 MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: This high-power image shows a benign glandular inclusion with a peripheral myoepithelial cell layer. B: Another area of the same lymph node demonstrates an area of usual ductal hyperplasia (UDH) withi... More about this image found in MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: This high-power image shows a b...
MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN <span class="search-highlight">GLANDULAR</span> INCLUSION  A: On the H&amp;E stain, two gland...
Published: 01 January 2024
MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION Figure 14-15 MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: On the H&E stain, two glandular structures are present in the lymph node. B: A p63 immunostain highlights a peripheral myoepithelial cell layer. More about this image found in MAMMARY-TYPE BENIGN GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: On the H&E stain, two gland...
MÜLLERIAN-TYPE <span class="search-highlight">GLANDULAR</span> INCLUSION  A: This intermediate-power image depict...
Published: 01 January 2024
MÜLLERIAN-TYPE GLANDULAR INCLUSION Figure 14-16 MÜLLERIAN-TYPE GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: This intermediate-power image depicts a simple gland within a lymph node. B: At high power, the lining epithelium is seen to be composed of columnar cells with cilia. Scattered peg cells with clear cytoplasm an... More about this image found in MÜLLERIAN-TYPE GLANDULAR INCLUSION A: This intermediate-power image depict...
NIPPLE ADENOMA  A: At low power, a benign epithelial proliferation is appar...
Published: 01 January 2024
NIPPLE ADENOMA Figure 13-7 NIPPLE ADENOMA A: At low power, a benign epithelial proliferation is apparent below the epidermis of the nipple. The proliferation is composed predominantly of benign papillomas and apocrine cysts. B: Higher power of the area of papillary proliferation and apocrine met... More about this image found in NIPPLE ADENOMA A: At low power, a benign epithelial proliferation is appar...
MICROINVASIVE CARCINOMA  A: Low-power image of a cyst with an adjacent smal...
Published: 01 January 2024
MICROINVASIVE CARCINOMA Figure 8-28 MICROINVASIVE CARCINOMA A: Low-power image of a cyst with an adjacent small, glandular proliferation. B: At higher power, the glandular proliferation appears somewhat infiltrative and the epithelial cells are atypical. C: A smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (S... More about this image found in MICROINVASIVE CARCINOMA A: Low-power image of a cyst with an adjacent smal...
TUBULAR CARCINOMA  A: Low power demonstrates areas of flat epithelial atypi...
Published: 01 January 2024
TUBULAR CARCINOMA Figure 8-43 TUBULAR CARCINOMA A: Low power demonstrates areas of flat epithelial atypia at the left of the field. In the center, a small glandular proliferation is haphazardly arrayed in the stroma. B: There is some stromal elastosis associated with the carcinoma. More about this image found in TUBULAR CARCINOMA A: Low power demonstrates areas of flat epithelial atypi...