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<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH INVASIVE LOBULAR CARCINOMA  A: The stroma of this fibroad...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH INVASIVE LOBULAR CARCINOMA Figure 5-9 FIBROADENOMA WITH INVASIVE LOBULAR CARCINOMA A: The stroma of this fibroadenoma is considerably more cellular than is usual, yet the areas around the ducts have the appearance of a typical fibroadenoma. B: At high power, the cellularity is ... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH INVASIVE LOBULAR CARCINOMA A: The stroma of this fibroad...
CELLULAR <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  A,B: Another example of a probable cellular fibroade...
Published: 01 January 2024
CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-11 CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA A,B: Another example of a probable cellular fibroadenoma at low (A) and intermediate (B) power. This core needle biopsy specimen depicts a fibroepithelial lesion with a prominent pericanalicular growth pattern and hypercellular stroma; defin... More about this image found in CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA A,B: Another example of a probable cellular fibroade...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  Another <span class="search-highlight">fibroadenoma</span> with an intracanalicular growth pattern ...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-3 FIBROADENOMA Another fibroadenoma with an intracanalicular growth pattern at intermediate (A) and high (B) power. The ducts are elongated and compressed. There is some condensation of the stroma around the ducts, suggesting a benign phyllodes tumor, but the absence of over... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA Another fibroadenoma with an intracanalicular growth pattern ...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH ATYPICAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA  This <span class="search-highlight">fibroadenoma</span> has a sing...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH ATYPICAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA Figure 5-7 FIBROADENOMA WITH ATYPICAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA This fibroadenoma has a single focus of atypical ductal hyperplasia, recognizable as a monomorphic epithelial proliferation with polarization of the cells around cribriform spaces and microacini... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH ATYPICAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA This fibroadenoma has a sing...
CELLULAR <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  A: At low power, this <span class="search-highlight">fibroadenoma</span> appears to have g...
Published: 01 January 2024
CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-10 CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA A: At low power, this fibroadenoma appears to have greater stromal cellularity than most fibroadenomas. The predominantly pericanalicular growth pattern and absence of leaf-like architecture argues against a phyllodes tumor. B: High power d... More about this image found in CELLULAR FIBROADENOMA A: At low power, this fibroadenoma appears to have g...
JUVENILE <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  A: At low power, this 4-cm <span class="search-highlight">fibroadenoma</span> from a 14-ye...
Published: 01 January 2024
JUVENILE FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-17 JUVENILE FIBROADENOMA A: At low power, this 4-cm fibroadenoma from a 14-year-old girl is remarkable for a circumscribed border, pericanalicular growth pattern, greater stromal cellularity, and more epithelial proliferation. B: Higher power shows the hypercellula... More about this image found in JUVENILE FIBROADENOMA A: At low power, this 4-cm fibroadenoma from a 14-ye...
COMPLEX <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  A: Low-power view of a complex <span class="search-highlight">fibroadenoma</span> with mult...
Published: 01 January 2024
COMPLEX FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-18 COMPLEX FIBROADENOMA A: Low-power view of a complex fibroadenoma with multiple areas of sclerosing adenosis and calcifications. B: Higher-power view of one of several areas of sclerosing adenosis. More about this image found in COMPLEX FIBROADENOMA A: Low-power view of a complex fibroadenoma with mult...
MYXOID <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  Low- (A) and high- (B) power images of a lobulated fib...
Published: 01 January 2024
MYXOID FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-16 MYXOID FIBROADENOMA Low- (A) and high- (B) power images of a lobulated fibroadenoma with myxoid stroma and an intracanalicular growth pattern. More about this image found in MYXOID FIBROADENOMA Low- (A) and high- (B) power images of a lobulated fib...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  A: Low-power magnification demonstrates the well-circumscribe...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-2 FIBROADENOMA A: Low-power magnification demonstrates the well-circumscribed border and compressed ducts of a fibroadenoma with an intracanalicular growth pattern. B: Higher-power view shows the bland stromal cells and benign ductal epithelium. More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA A: Low-power magnification demonstrates the well-circumscribe...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  The well-circumscribed, lobulated appearance of the tumor is ...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-1 FIBROADENOMA The well-circumscribed, lobulated appearance of the tumor is illustrated grossly. The surface appears to bulge out from the background fibroadipose tissue. There are areas of grooving that correspond to the slit-like ducts characteristic of fibroadenoma. (Cour... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA The well-circumscribed, lobulated appearance of the tumor is ...
MYXOID <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> MIMICKING MUCINOUS CARCINOMA  A: At higher power, a sin...
Published: 01 January 2024
MYXOID FIBROADENOMA MIMICKING MUCINOUS CARCINOMA Figure 5-20 MYXOID FIBROADENOMA MIMICKING MUCINOUS CARCINOMA A: At higher power, a single gland present in a myxoid background has the potential to be misinterpreted as hypocellular mucinous carcinoma. B: Low-power examination permits appreciation... More about this image found in MYXOID FIBROADENOMA MIMICKING MUCINOUS CARCINOMA A: At higher power, a sin...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU  A: At low power, the epithelial...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU Figure 5-8 FIBROADENOMA WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU A: At low power, the epithelial areas within this fibroadenoma are more proliferative and show marked cytologic atypia. B: At high power, the ducts are expanded by a highly atypical epithelial prolif... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU A: At low power, the epithelial...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>: PERICANALICULAR PATTERN  A: At low power, this core needle bi...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA: PERICANALICULAR PATTERN Figure 5-4 FIBROADENOMA: PERICANALICULAR PATTERN A: At low power, this core needle biopsy specimen of a benign stromal and epithelial tumor has numerous glands with more open rounded lumens compared with the compressed ducts of a fibroadenoma with an intracan... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA: PERICANALICULAR PATTERN A: At low power, this core needle bi...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  This high-power image shows the dual cell layer of the epithe...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-5 FIBROADENOMA This high-power image shows the dual cell layer of the epithelial component of fibroadenoma; luminal epithelial cells with relatively abundant cytoplasm and round nuclei; and the peripheral, myoepithelial cell layer which is attenuated in this example with sca... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA This high-power image shows the dual cell layer of the epithe...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH USUAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA  A: Intermediate-power image of ...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH USUAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA Figure 5-6 FIBROADENOMA WITH USUAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA A: Intermediate-power image of a core needle biopsy demonstrating a fibroadenoma with greater epithelial proliferation in some ducts. B: At high power, the characteristic features of cellular heterog... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH USUAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA A: Intermediate-power image of ...
Book Chapter
Series: Atlases of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology, Series 5
Volume: 18
Published: 01 January 2024
ISBN-10: 1-933477-36-9
ISBN: 978-1-933477-36-7
...Fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumor comprise the fibroepithelial lesions of the breast, which span the spectrum of benign through borderline to malignant tumors. Fibroadenomas are common, and for the most part easily diagnosed; phyllodes tumors are much less frequently encountered and present some...
Published: 01 January 2024
HYALINIZED <span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span>  This case has less stromal cellularity and more hy...
Published: 01 January 2024
HYALINIZED FIBROADENOMA Figure 5-15 HYALINIZED FIBROADENOMA This case has less stromal cellularity and more hyalinization, as well as several large calcifications. More about this image found in HYALINIZED FIBROADENOMA This case has less stromal cellularity and more hy...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH STROMAL GIANT CELLS  A: Low power demonstrates a well-cir...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH STROMAL GIANT CELLS Figure 5-14 FIBROADENOMA WITH STROMAL GIANT CELLS A: Low power demonstrates a well-circumscribed fibroepithelial lesion with scattered large, hyperchromatic cells in the stroma. B,C: At intermediate (B) and high (C) power, it becomes apparent that these cell... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH STROMAL GIANT CELLS A: Low power demonstrates a well-cir...
<span class="search-highlight">FIBROADENOMA</span> WITH SMOOTH MUSCLE DIFFERENTIATION  A: At low power, this lesi...
Published: 01 January 2024
FIBROADENOMA WITH SMOOTH MUSCLE DIFFERENTIATION Figure 5-13 FIBROADENOMA WITH SMOOTH MUSCLE DIFFERENTIATION A: At low power, this lesion appears to have areas of stromal expansion. B,C: At high power, these areas are seen to be expanded by short fascicles (B) and bundles of spindle cells (C) wit... More about this image found in FIBROADENOMA WITH SMOOTH MUSCLE DIFFERENTIATION A: At low power, this lesi...