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Fascicle 7
Nonmelanocytic Tumors of the Skin
Fascicle 8
Tumors of the Bones and Joints
Fascicle 10
Non-Neoplastic Diseases of the Liver

ARP in the News
- Press Release: MNG To Provide Sales, Marketing, and Distribution for the American Registry of Pathology | Mare Nostrum Group
- ARP Editor Jason Hornick, MD, PhD, on Digital Pathology Today Podcast (2022): "The Future of Publishing and Pathology Education"
- Press Release: The launch of ARP's digital library, in partnership with Silverchair (2022)
- American Journal of Surgical Pathology (2018): "The AFIP/ARP Atlases of Pathology Past, Present, and Future"

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Stay up to date with our new fascicles in the 5th series, made available to subscribers immediately upon release. Find out more about Individual Access, Institutional Access, and our Traditional Subscriber options.

Guide to Series 5 Fascicles
Series 5 started in 2020 and already has 19 fascicles published, with more in the pipeline. Check out this page for descriptions of the titles already published and to see what's else is coming in this series.